Wednesday, 12 December 2012

ATM series

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, LA, los angeles, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,  venice beach

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, LA, los angeles, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out, venice beach

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, LA, los angeles, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,  venice beach

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, LA, los angeles, venice beach city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, LA, los angeles, venice beach city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

Atm, automatic teller machine, cash, tim macauley, timothy macauley, art, series, fine art, USA, New York, NY, city, you won’t see this at moma, photography, photograph, cash out,

In Australia we don't really have ATM's popping out of every third shopfront, so I guess it's something I found novel that most Americian's wouldn't take a second look at. The juxapositions are almost endless and I've only just begun to scratch the surface.  

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