The Under the bridge series was taken from the window of a moving city bound trian from the JFK Airport, so the ISO was jacked up and aperture fairely wide, so I could get the shutter speed up to 4000th of a second on a cloudy day.
I've always been interested in photographing people when they are unaware of the camera, following in the footsteps of Walker Evans ( Many are Called [link]) and Philip-Lorca DiCorcia( Heads [link]) before me. If we are to capture a person fully in thier natural state of being without been transformed by the lens then there is really no other option besides getting them to jump ( Philippe Halsman Jump [link]) or some other action, leaf blower anyone ( Tadas Cerniauskas Blow Job [link]) ? Such actions forces the subject to take down their guard just for a second and if the photographer is good enough for it to be captured.
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