We all leave signs of our presence in this world, while maybe not on the time scale that Russell Crow was banging on about in Gladiator but still it's there. Sometimes it goes unnoticed but when piled on piles of piles, it accumulates and makes it presence known, as is the case of overflowing rubbish bins.
This series was taken at The Melbourne Cup and if the marketing spin is to be believed the race that stops the nation. By the end of the days events the cup does runneth over in more ways than one.
I guess you could argue it's just a poor result of not empting out the brings at a faster rate, than which they are filling up, so that it goes unnoticed but maybe it's better for the presence to be known. But judging by most of the punters at the event it probably didn’t rate high on their list.
Trying to keep things objective in a Bernd Hilla and Becher [link] kind of way.
Trying to keep things objective in a Bernd Hilla and Becher [link] kind of way.
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